Thomas Joseph Crossword Puzzle for Today April 27, 2024.

News: Sophia Loren famously appeared in the 1958 film “Houseboat” alongside Cary Grant. The hint indicates her by identifying “LOREN” as the pivotal figure associated with the movie.

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Army Bigwig

A “GENERAL” holds a senior rank in many military forces globally and is colloquially referred to as a person of high rank or importance, fitting the solution.

Charity Dos

“Galas” are events frequently organized for charitable causes, typically large, formal, and involve fundraising, aligning with the concept of “charity dos.”

Glider Wood

Balsa wood, known for its lightweight and soft characteristics, is ideal for constructing model gliders, making it the direct answer.

Heavens Supporter

In mythology, Atlas is a Titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity, effectively supporting the heavens.


In this context, “fresh” refers to someone who is bold, lively, full of spirit, or cheeky, all of which are attributes captured by the term “sassy.”


Q. What is the significance of engaging in crossword puzzles?

A. Engaging in activities such as solving crossword puzzles can be an enjoyable and beneficial way to keep the mind active and healthy.

Q. Are the solutions provided for today’s Thomas Joseph Crossword Puzzle accurate?

A. We aim to offer accurate and reliable information, but we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information provided.

Q. Where can I find more challenging puzzles to exercise my cognitive abilities?

A. You can find a variety of challenging puzzles in books, online platforms, and puzzle subscription services to continue exercising your cognitive abilities.

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