Get the Answer for the NYT Mini Crossword Clue on April 25, 2024

News: The NYT Mini Crossword offers a compact yet delightful version of the traditional crossword. Its smaller scale makes it more approachable for puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels. These word puzzles serve as an excellent exercise for the mind, expanding your vocabulary and enhancing cognitive skills.

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Decoding the Clues

Move like a pendulum

Clue: This motion resembles the swaying movement of a pendulum.

Answer: SWING

The answer depicts a back-and-forth motion, akin to that of a pendulum.

Having an established key, musically

Clue: Referring to possessing a clear and established key in music.

Answer: TONAL

This term relates to a distinct key signature, commonly associated with traditional Western music compositions.

Up and fully caffeinated, say

Clue: Indicating a state of alertness achieved after consuming caffeine.

Answer: AWAKE

It denotes a state of wakefulness and alertness, often attributed to the consumption of stimulating substances like caffeine.

Tablecloth material

Clue: Directing attention to the fabric commonly used for tablecloths.

Answer: LINEN

The hint alludes to a durable and suitable fabric for dining settings, often utilized for tablecloths.

English city in West Yorkshire

Clue: Prompting the identification of a city located in West Yorkshire, England.

Answer: LEEDS

This straightforward geography question requires knowledge of English cities and their respective regions.

Try to buy some time

Clue: Indicating a strategy to delay or prolong a situation for advantage.

Answer: STALL

It refers to the act of intentionally delaying or prolonging a situation to gain an upper hand or evade making an immediate decision.

Exclamation that rhymes with “Maui”

Clue: Focusing on a word phonetically similar to “Maui.”

Answer: WOWIE

This colloquial exclamation expresses surprise or excitement, emphasizing phonetics over spelling.

Totally wackadoodle

Clue: Suggesting absurd, silly, or nonsensical behavior.

Answer: INANE

The answer characterizes something as lacking sense or significance, portraying absurdity or silliness.

In the buff

Clue: Hinting at a state of being unclothed.

Answer: NAKED

This informal term describes a state of being without clothing, often synonymous with being uncovered.

Mountain valleys

Clue: Directing attention to low-lying areas between hills or mountains.

Answer: GLENS

Referring to the geographic features found in mountainous regions, specifically the areas nestled between hills or mountains.

The NYT Mini Crossword offers a delightful exercise for word enthusiasts, providing a succinct yet engaging puzzle-solving experience. By unraveling the clues and deciphering the answers, it not only entertains but also enhances vocabulary and cognitive skills. So, next time you’re seeking a mental challenge, grab a copy of the NYT Mini Crossword and unlock the door to a world of wordplay.


Q. How can solving NYT Mini Crossword benefit?

A. Solving the NYT Mini Crossword can benefit by enhancing vocabulary, cognitive skills, and providing a delightful mental exercise.

Q. Is the NYT Mini Crossword suitable for all skill levels?

A. Yes, the NYT Mini Crossword is designed to be approachable for puzzle enthusiasts of all skill levels.

Q. What is the essence of the NYT Mini Crossword?

A. The essence of the NYT Mini Crossword lies in offering a compact yet engaging version of the traditional crossword, providing a delightful challenge for word enthusiasts.

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